Sunday, 31 August 2014

Behind the Scenes: The Sleep of Reason Produces More Monsters Than Last Time!

This week's thriller, is another dream sequence.  Our hoodie character has somehow found himself a hardback edition of Vanity Fair cover photos.  After a hard day's menacing, he browses the book before falling asleep...and then the menacing really begins!  

Our habit in Shadow Laughter is to set up and take the photos, and then afterwards, when studying the results, we tend to notice references and visual connections that were unplanned.  The grimacing faces were akin to medieval gargoyles, for example.

Below: Ray Alan and Lord Charles, a famous ventriloquist act from the 1950's - 1980's.  Another kind of 'double act'.

At the end of Saturday's instalment, there is the hint of a weird transformation in the dream scenario.  Tune in Monday, to see the development!

Stay tuned, and join the adventure! 

Shadow Laughter schedule: 
Tuesday - trailer
Thursday, Saturday, Monday - Episode posts
Sunday - Blog

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Behind the Scenes: Drink and Delirium!

Our current episode is a sort of continuation of our Robin Williams tribute from last week.  It is a combination of shots from some time ago and the last couple of weeks.

(Above) From May last year.  This was a projection of a photo taken on holiday in Italy.  The staircase in the apartment block was a gift!)

We looked at the theme of alcoholism, and our 'desperate pilot' character seemed like the right person to feature, as he is continually struggling with that thing that troubles him, (whatever it is.)

(Above) Taken four days ago.  The lighting gave a pleasing interplay of shadows here.

Lost in drink as his method of escaping, he seems to become accompanied by a mysterious force, overshadowing his every move.  Is it conscience, a demon, a spectre, or just an alcoholic hallucination?

Stay tuned, and join the adventure! 

Shadow Laughter schedule: 
Tuesday - trailer
Thursday, Saturday, Monday - Episode posts
Sunday - Blog