Sunday, 30 March 2014

Behind the Scenes: Projectile Disquiet!

Through our use of projected images, Hamish and I have suggested various locations and atmospheric settings.  Here are a few examples:

 Secretive laboratory activity.

 Hellish smoke and flames.

 A research facility...

 ...and the one where all planes and angles are thrown into confusion!

Whilst projections of this type are used for backgrounds, we also employ other images to fall directly onto us, in a more conceptual vein.  For example:


 Caught in surveillance.  (In this series, we noticed how the shapes criss-crossing our faces resembled forms of tribal facial decoration.)


 Disappearing into numbers?

Keep a lookout for future uses of digital projections:  What is really there?

Stay tuned, and join the adventure. 

Shadow Laughter schedule: 
Tuesday - trailer
Thursday, Saturday, Monday - Episode posts
Sunday - Blog

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Behind the Scenes: Location, Location, Dislocation! Pt II

'North by North and East a Bit' was a jokey title-phrase used during the development of our 'North By North-West'-referencing episode.  (I should explain this is due to the location of the town where we are based.)

It started by collecting a few key images from the internet:

Working in the sculpture workshop, the image above was projected onto a large sheet and we positioned ourselves in front of it.  We wanted to echo the idea of a dialogue between two static characters, followed by a moment of intense action. 

Hamish had sourced a biplane image and we projected it at different angles and sizes to give the effect of it approaching dramatically.

In Shadow Laughter, our ten-second acting calls for a lot of expression.  Faces and hands are key elements in conveying the essential mood of the moment. 

However, when it comes to running, there is a distinct lack of space.  The blurred hands help to give the impression of running here, but we missed a trick by not putting wire inside the tie to make it fly out over my shoulder, just like Cary's did.


It was a 'hands thing' again for the final shots in the sequence:

This echoes the moment when Cary Grant is nearly run over by a truck, under which he takes cover from the incoming plane.

Our episode title of 'Cary On Crop Dusting' also spoof-references the Carry On movies.  More on projections, and on titles, in future blog posts!  Stay tuned, and join the adventure. 

Shadow Laughter schedule: 
Tuesday - trailer
Thursday, Saturday, Monday - Episode posts
Sunday - Blog